Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Are You Over-Training??

Now, about 95% of Americans are probably under training.........but for friends and fans of Fitness Date TV, I bet there is a good percentage of folks that over train.

Here are some of the symptoms of over training.

1) Exhaustion
2) Depression
3) Muscle Soreness (Shin Splints, Rotator Cuff Issues)
4) Joint Pain (Knee, Hip, Shoulder)
5) Results Plateau
6) Poor Sleep Cycles


Do you workout 5-6 days per week?
Have you been on a consistent workout routine for at least 6 weeks?
Do you run 5-6 days per week?
Do you weight train 4-6 days per week?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, you might be over training.  When we workout, we are in the process of "breaking down" the body, to allow it to build back stronger.  If we don't give our bodies ample time to recover, then we start to see the over training symptoms listed above.  The most discouraging part of over-training is both injury (setting you back farther from reaching your goals) and result plateau (working out without seeing results).

To avoid over training do the following.

1) After every 6 weeks worth of exercise, take a week off.  This will give your body plenty of time to recover.
2) Limit your running to 3-4 days per week, allowing for a day of rest in between.  (Especially if you run on the road or other hard surfaces.)
3) When weight training do not train the same muscle groups on back to back days. Give yourself a day of rest in between.
4) If you feel that you have to exercise 6 days a week, do a 3 day split (3 days on, 1 day off....and repeat)

Stick to these basic principles and you should be good to go!!!

Keep up the great work!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Something's Fishy.....>D

>D (Fish)

Fish oils are the latest craze in the supplement world.  Like any other nutritional supplement, most people take them because they heard something about something and it sounds good........Here's the skinny on Fish Oils.

Fish oils aren't oils taken directly from fish, they are produced by the micro algae that fish consume and create our essential fatty acids.

The benefits of essential fatty acids in our diet include, regulating blood chemistry (cholesterol levels) and blood pressure.  Studies have also shown that fish oils can reduce anxiety, depression and other mental health issues.  Finally, fish oils have been linked to treatment and prevention of Cancer, Parkinson's and Alzheimers.

The best way to get your fish oils is by eating fish (I bet your blown away by that concept).  Due to some of the toxic contaminants such as mercury, you should limit your intake of some predatory fish like, albacore tuna, shark and swordfish.  Good sources are salmon and halibut.  If you cannot get fish into your daily diet, then you should consider taking a fish oil supplement.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Supplements to Help AVOID Cold and Flu Season.

It seems almost evident that you're going to get a cold or even worse the flu at some point over the next 6 months.  In my personal opinion, a flu shot is unnatural.  I believe that your body needs to create its own immunities to defend itself against cold and flu bugs.  (Keep in mind, I'm not a doctor, and if they recommend the shot, by all means get one......I'm not going to get one)

There are a few things that you can do to naturally prevent the cold and flu.  First, you must boost your immune system.  Regular exercise will, ultimately, boost your body's natural defense system.  As a side note, if you are already sick with the cold or flu, you should tail off from your workouts to allow your body to recover.  The way your body builds its immune system is by first, breaking down, then allowing to build up.  If you are sick the only way to recover, is rest and hydration.....and sometimes an antibotic.

I found some excellent recommendations on Here is what they list as the 5 steps to preventing colds and the flu.
  1. Advanced Hygiene
  2. Diet
  3. Supplementation
  4. Sleep
  5. Reducing Stress
For the sake of this "fitness" blog, I'll highlight the Diet and Supplementation areas.

Diet- Diets rich in whole foods, fresh fruits and vegatables are the corner stone of your defense system.  Steer clear of foods high in sugar and starch as these create optimal conditions in your blood for infections.

Supplements- The obvious is Vitamin C.  3,000-4,000mg per day divided into 3-4 doses is perfect according to Joseph Brasco M.D.  In addition, continue to take your Omega 3-6-9 supplements daily.

Practice these steps and you should make it through cold and flu season without missing a single day of work :)


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kettlebells- The Next Big Thing?

LOS ANGELES (KABC)- Kettlebells could be the next big thing.  Experts say you can see twice the results in half the amount of time. 

A study done by the American Council on Exercise found that 20 minutes of kettle-bell training beat out 30 minutes on the treadmill along with 30 minutes of traditional strength training. Clearly taking a step in the right direction is changing up your routine and putting everything into the swing of things.

In our fast paced society it's hard enough to make it to the gym, let alone do an hour workout while we are there.  Kettle-bells incorporate a total body workout, using multiple joint movements (compound movements) to keep the heart rate elevated.  This perfect combination of strength training and cardiovascular training will optimize your time as oppose to doing a 30 minute weight routine then spending another 30 minutes on a treadmill or elliptical. 

In my opinion, a kettlebell routine 2 days a week, in conjunction with a normal 2-dimensional weight routine and 45 minute cardio day, will round out the perfect week.

For more on the KABC story click here

Keep Swingin'!